Trusted by Dairy Farmers Nationwide

Gutman Brothers Dairy Cattle

 is a fifth-generation family business serving the needs of America’s dairymen since 1942.

Today, we continue to uphold the standards of previous generations while implementing the revolutionary techniques of the modern dairy market.

Our Breeds




Ben Gutman

Dan Gutman

Abe Gutman

Marc Gutman

At Gutman Brothers,

we pride ourselves on preserving longstanding relationships with generations of dairy suppliers while simultaneously attending to the expectations of new clients.

We understand that every dairy and every dairyman strives for efficiency, quality, and excellence; we are committed to meeting the standards and preferences of every dairy on its individual level. To assist our clients in maintaining their successes, we cater to their specific criteria while selecting their ideal cattle.

Our state-of-the-art heifer facility

 in New Holland, Pennsylvania, manned by our expert staff veterinarian and barn managers, allows us to provide healthy and conditioned heifers to meet every dairyman’s expectations. Transportation is provided, using quality equipment and skilled, reliable drivers to deliver robust cattle with minimal hassle.